Roys 30 Days to Online Income Your Step by Step Plan

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binary options trading seminar

Learn Roys free, top secrets for online income:

"If you learn the secrets of binary options, you can do well. Many people make a living at it. It is much easier than Forex or trading stocks. So much easier!" - Roy

This step by step 30 day plan will help you organize and coordinate your online income plan & approach, so you can start making money online within 30 days:

Ive been getting a lot of feedback from people who need a simple, step by step guide on how to build their online, passive income. 

So, Ive decided to create my free "30 Days to Online Income" guide to help people (keep in mind the below article is a preliminary draft and more will be added soon).

Im going to focus primarily on binary options, because in my opinion it is the easiest and most sure way of creating a passive income for anyone - even those without a financial trading background or expertise.

Binary options is easier than Forex.

Binary options is easier than stock trading.

Binary options is easier than online marketing.

Binary options is easier than sports betting.

Binary options is by far the easiest way to not only make a passive online income, but also to make large, substantial gains in a short period of time.

Now heres a question I get a lot:

"But Roy, is this really possible? Ive been scammed before, and Ive lost money before. Can I really do this?"

YES. It is possible, and YES, you can. But you have to be educated. You have to be armed with the facts. That is the main reason people lose: they arent educated when it comes to binary options, and they are lost and confused.

I see it all of the time, and it is tragic: people who are not educated on how binary options work end up losing money, over and over.

Now, Im here to help guide you. I have tremendous materials on my website available for you to read (see below for the essential links you need). Some of my mentors whove had tremendous success - like Julia A. or Jim R. - all have shown a great dedication to learning and not giving up. Thats what makes them special, and successful. Thats why they do so well. 

I have mentors who make $800 up to $20,000 PER MONTH. I have heard success stories ranging from $10,000 in one week to $100,000 just one month. These miracles do happen, but in every case the person was educated on binary options.

Ive featured their success in my videos and newsletters, of course, but Julia and Jim arent the only ones doing well. I speak with many of my other mentors who are doing great, too. Each of them has shown incredible dedication to a long-term vision of finding success for themselves and not giving up.

However, the ones who dont listen or pay attention seem to often falter and lose money. So, in my opinion, education is key, and so is motivation and a positive attitude.

What youre about to learn below is part of my own strategy - and these are similar steps that other "pro" traders I know also use. So, youre learning secrets from the best, and from the people who are making money online.

Lets start out with 10 simple steps you need to get going:

STEP #1 - Organize your home office & Internet browser resources:

Heres where people really make mistakes: They arent organized. They arent coordinated. You need to treat your computer or laptop like a "home office". You need all of your information and accounts on stand-by and ready to go.

First, make sure your Internet browser (Chrome is best, followed by Firefox, IE and Safari) is set up for binary options by having links bookmarked and available for you. You can use most browsers to place links in your top "bookmarks" bar for easy access, or create a special folder that contains "binary options" links. 

You will also store other important financial links for easy access (for example, for accessing currency rates, and, and for up to date financial news and world news). 

This is how you will keep all of your links and bookmarks for all of the essential links on my site (keep reading below for all the links from my website you must have).

STEP #2 - Create special, separate emails:

Create an online "identity" for yourself, for example, "Johns Binary Plan". I believe in doing this partly for the psychological effect: it helps you feel like you are serious about your financial future.

What Im talking about is creating a special email account completely dedicated to binary options. It could be something like, "" - and of course, always check your spam folder in case you miss important emails from me or from your brokers - and also add emails you wish to receive to your email "white list" or "safe list" so you never miss them! Too many people fail to check their spam folders and they miss important emails! 

I also believe "" is one of the best free emails in the world, because it will accept most emails without sending those emails to spam. "" is another VERY EASY free email to setup. (The worst in the world are Australias Big Pond & AOL, which are notorious for rejecting emails.)

You should also create special folders on your computer Desktop to store files in called, for example, "Johns Binary Plan Files." Keep your passwords and broker login information in this folder so you dont lose them. Keep any files or notes there, too. I use Windows Notepad to store a lot of personal information, for example.

STEP #3 - Give yourself a "budget" & plan your attack:

Heres where you need to take a look at your financial situation and your expectations. This is very, very important. 

Let me explain something: it is very, very hard to sign up for one binary options trading platform and make "tens of thousands" of dollars in a day, week or a month. There are many, many factors for why this is. 

Of course, it can happen -- and Im always on the lookout for those "blockbuster", "diamond in the rough" special systems that can make big money - but it is rare, too, and it cant be relied on. 

Thats why you need a long-term, realistic plan.

The people who succeed have a "portfolio" instead. This is true in all strategies - for stocks, bonds, currency traders, even holders of precious metals. All serious people have a "portfolio", and its no different in binary options. (To learn more, please read my "Portfolio of Systems" article, this is a must-read article!)

I believe in having as many broker accounts as possible. I believe in having as many trading bots as possible. But that can be overwhelming for some people.

So, you need to create a plan for yourself and some goals. Heres an example:

  • My budget for the next 30 days: $2,000
  • My total trading bots I will get from Roys MASTER LIST: 3.
  • My "paid" signals services I will sign up for: 1
  • My broker I will use to make manual trades: CTOption
  • My income goal: $500-800 per month consistently.
  • My long-term goal: $5,000 to $10,000 per MONTH EXTRA income.

You can compound your earnings and get there eventually, even with a small amount. You just have to be realistic about your income.

Step #4 - Diversify, diversify, diversify your portfolio:

As I discuss in my "Portfolio of Systems Strategy", its important to to have multiple income streams (not just one) and trading systems all working at the same time.

A good place to start to find your income streams is "My Top 5 Income Streams" article.

The next place to look is my Master List, of course. On my Master List you will find the absolute best binary options trading robots, in addition to excellent manual signal services.

Heres a hypothetical example of how YOUR online income stream portfolio could look:

AUTO-PILOT BOTS: Pro Robot, Trade Fusion & 100 Percent Profit Bot all working on auto pilot.

MANUAL SYSTEMS: Gold Digger, Auto Binary Signals & Quantum Binary Signals, all used to receive trading signals to manually trade on.

BROKERS: Use CTOption and IQOption as your main manual trading accounts.

ONLINE INCOME SYSTEMS: Use Jeans website creation service & supplement with Google Sniper and the very low cost but excellent training program called No Cost Income Stream.

Thats just an example! Thats actually a pretty small portfolio above that you could easily expand on.

STEP #5 - Understand the difference between "auto bots" and "semi-auto" manual bots:

This is really, really important! 

A lot of people do not know this very important difference. 

AUTO: Most binary options systems are fully-auto trading bots that will trade for you, even when your computer is turned off. Examples include the excellent Professional Robot by George S., 100 Percent Profit Bot and Trade Fusion. These bots fully trade for you, you just sign up, login and turn them on, they do the rest of the work.

MANUAL: With semi-auto manual trading bots, they will offer you a selection of "signals" or potential trades and you have to manually select those trades. Examples include Gold Digger, Rock The Stock and Binary Boom. Those are the free ones. The "paid" signal services listed on my Master List include ABS, Francos service and Quantum.

On my Master List, I always try to point out which ones are fully auto and which are semi-auto.

Here are some advantages of each type:

Auto traders - Easy to use, fun to watch, not complicated at all.

Semi-auto bots - More complicated, but also usually more accurate in the long-term.

I recommend using BOTH types. It is good to have both auto bots and semi-auto manual traders in your portfolio! Do not be scared of semi-auto manual bots, because they give you more control and are usually very professional and serious systems. Its also very rare I ever see a semi-auto manual trader that is a scam.

STEP #6 - It is mandatory you read the educational articles on my website:

I do receive a lot of emails from people who have not read hardly anything on my website, and as a result they are not educated or informed on many important issues I discuss.

For example, someone wrote me the other day complaining about a bad broker -- I asked them if they had checked my "good and bad broker list" and used my "broker tip". They had not done either! 

Its very disappointing for me to see that. I assume, before people write me and ask questions, they have at least read most of my site and the most important articles I have listed on my top, right sidebar. I assume they, too, have also listened to a few of my important videos.

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