OZ ROBOT OFFICIAL REVIEW A robust new trading algorithm that trades Australian currencies

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Nov. 30th, 2014

Dear newsletter subscribe
rs, blog readers and friends,

Some of you may have noticed that in the past I have not had great things to say about Paul Rings Oz Robot, an Australian currency binary options signals system. I should add this was before I reviewed the system and liked it so much. I had simply heard some rumors that it was scam, and I hadnt fully investigated it yet.

Im pretty wary of most of these systems, so it usually takes a lot for me to endorse something.

Thats why when I got a call on my phone a few days ago from a foreign number, I was surprised to find that number was an Australian number. I answered and was greeted by a girl with a lovely Aussie accent. She said she was a representative for Nick Knolls, the creator of the Oz Robot and Paul Rings business partner.

She said Nick wanted to speak to me.

I eventually got a hold of him the next day. He said he knew of my blog, he knew I had influence in the industry, and he was concerned that I had been calling his system a "scam".

He explained to me he was a victim of some competitors who had been trashing his system through reviews and comments all over the Internet (unfortunately, this is pretty common in the industry, and most of it is fueled by a fake scam site called "BinaryOptionsWatchdog.com", which Ive exposed in this article).

I ended up learning a lot about his system, all of the details about it I hadnt investigated prior to making my assumptions about it.

Ive now signed up and Im learning how this fascinating binary options robot works. I certainly will be integrating its algorithm with my free Super Signals Software soon. Its a little more complex and different from the other systems, interestingly enough.

oz robot review 

Nick really won me over, I have to admit. I really appreciate his phone calls and effort to explain his system to me. Im so impressed by "Oz Robot", I think it might be a good stand-alone choice for people wanting to make money with binary options.

While I encourage everyone to use my free Super Signals software, if youre looking for just one system to try, Im putting Oz Robot at the top of the list.

Heres the official link to Oz Robot so you can watch the video and try it yourself for free.


I guarantee you will be impressed by the presentation, polish and professionalism of this product, as well as the full story behind how it was created.

If youre interested in how *I* trade binary options, read about my Super Signals mentor program.

Click here for my VERIFIED LIST of binary options systems.

Learn about Five Minute Experiment here.
Email me personally if you have any questions (yes, I actually answer my emails, unlike most of these other "review" sites, most of which are scam sites).

God bless,

Roy @ ScamWatchdog.org

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