Profit With Cindy REVIEW Beware of this binary options SCAM

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profit with cindy review

Profit with Cindy REVIEW - Just another scam or real?

There are some good binary options trading bots out there -- for example, I fully endorse the new Apple Stock Bot (see my Master List) -- however, there are also scammers who create fake binary options traders. These fake, scam binary options trading bots look real, but use a "random number generator" to produce signals and they do not even work.

After some investigation, I believe Profit With Cindy is another one of those scam traders. First, the video is ridiculous. It does not show any proofs that Cindy made her fortune from her binary options trader. In fact, the "proofs" are nothing more than some bank account screen shots. It is a very manipulative video, showing her talking and rattling on about how great her "secret" trader is. There doesnt seem to be anything legitimate about this trading bot.

Beyond that, it appears "Profit with Cindy" have used a lot of marketing tricks to lure people in, including vastly overstated promises of income and potential wealth. You really need to be careful with marketing tactics like this. Im usually wary of trading systems that make huge claims of profit. That said, a good trader can easily produce profits in the area of a few thousand per week if you trade in larger allotments, such as $250 per trade. However, claims of "millions" in profits are inflated and extremely rare. 

Now, as I said, there are some really good trading bots out there. I list them on my Master List. They do work, in my opinion, and actually use complicated algorithms and data analysis to produce reasonably good and accurate signals. Something like Profit with Cindy doesnt even come close to the professionalism of some of the trading bots I endorse, like 100 Percent Profit Bot. 

I hope this review has been helpful, and will help people reading it avoid this scam. Read my latest newsletter below for more updates:


Ive talked about it before, and now its finally here -- The Apple Stock Bot or "AppMobileBot" is a tremendous new opportunity unlike any other.

I dont have much else to say other than I believe this is a the #1 "cant miss" release of 2015. As you will see in the video, it is by far the most professional presentation you will see all year. This is a real, serious, professional trading system only available by special invite.

Im still under attack:

Its been heart-breaking to receive yet another vicious attack from a former mentor member. This person wrote me demanding I give them my software or they would report me to the police.

Ive had to stop everything because of these threats.

I have no idea how this person was ever under the impression that they hold any rightsto my own, personal software. Never in a million years would I give my software to someone who THREATENS me or attacks me. Never in a million years did anyone sign any contract giving them rights or access to my software, nor were any promises ever made that they would receive it from me. It is my software and it is given out according to whether I trust you or not!

It is my belief that there are people who work for bad brokers who signed up for my mentor list. Let me repeat that: people who work for the bad brokers signed up to my mentor list so they could work from the "inside" to attack me and destroy me.

From there, they infiltrated my list and began mailing other members. Once they gained access to my list, they started spreading lies and fomenting dissent against me. That is why I released my "dummy" software months ago, to root out and "smoke out" the rats, liars and people against me. We found out who some of them were, and were still finding out who else intends to attack me.

This is all very disheartening to me. But I hope with my new broker I can finally help people the way I want to, without interference or people attacking me (I also want to thank all the people who left comments at, all of their comments of support, which Ive now published on the site).

Im going to cut this short, as Im preparing for my trip to Europe to set up my new brokerage. Ill also have some more updates about Apple Bot soon, too, including a full review. I know a lot of people are struggling right now, I know there is so much corruption with these brokers, but I want you to know I will NOT give up.

Since my $1,000 giveaway has been delayed so much, Ive decided to giveaway an extra $500 next week. I may give $750 to two people whove written me.

God bless,

Roy T.

NEW PRIVATE BOT (Update: spots are still open and it is a good system): Ive been given exclusive access to a limited opportunity. You can write me at and ask for the new "Private Bot" (this is different from the previous ones that closed to the public). Openings are pretty limited on this one, but it should be open for a while. Once you see this bot youll see why its in limited release.

Dont forget, all my newsletters are now being posted on the front page of

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