GREEN EGGS SCAMS Are ALL Internet Money Making Products Just Hornswoggles Fiddle Diddles

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Im not going to waste time: the answer is "No".

Not everything is a scam.

Were at a point now where people are so suspicious, so wary and so leery of "money making" claims that theyll just stay on the fence forever and never invest anything of themselves into a work-from-home career.

Its understandable, considering the environment we live in today, where cyber-crime and scam marketing seems to be at an all-time high. That said, to stay on the sidelines in fear is a way of only limiting yourself and ensuring youll never have success.

Let me explain in more detail...

Ive met people who refuse to take simple, free steps that can help them.

They know I make money doing these things, but they refuse to do the things that work for me. Did I mention these steps are free? They cost nothing? They wont even do that! Im talking about friends and family members! They know I work from home, but they still think everything is a scam!

Its hilarious, but its also sad and frustrating.

It boggles my mind the level of negativity out there, the level of pessimism and skepticism. 

I tell them, "Im paid monthly directly by Google and Yahoo, two of the biggest companies in the world. Are they scammers, too?"

Being negative wont get you far

The people who are so doubtful and so wary, and so skeptical? They dont succeed. They dont make money online. They dont even try. They get nowhere. They just read review after review, and then they stop, give up and go back to their 9-5 job.

The ones who succeed do their research. They also know to make money you have to spend money, sometimes. Not always, but you have to make investments.

If I hadnt spent money or made any investments? I would be nowhere. I had to spend a lot of money, and I made a lot of mistakes. A lot of mistakes! I would love to help people skip those mistakes and jump ahead to the right products so they dont get hurt like I did.

I dont care if you buy these products or not

Ive reviewed a few good products and Ive given them high ratings, but if you dont want to try them, its no sweat off my back. I make money not through this blog, but through dozens of other ventures. I run this blog as a hobby. I dont even have any ads on this blog! I try to keep it ad-free.

I just want people to have the right information, and I want to give people a boost. I want to remind people, "Hey, its not all scams! My God, there are hundreds of thousands of people making money online and working from home legitimately! Theyre everywhere! You probably know one! Why cant that be you?"

Its sad, whats going on with this economy. Its getting worse. People are having to take on two jobs to make ends meet, if they can even find another job. But guess what? The Internet is getting bigger!

Why arent YOU involved in the fastest growing market on Earth?

The Internet is the worlds fastest growing economic market. Its huge. Its billions of dollars. The marketing campaigns of some of these Fortune 500 companies run in the tens of millions of dollars per month for Internet marketing alone!

So why arent you getting a piece of that pie? You can. Theres no rule that says you have to know how to code HTML, or you have to be a hacker or unethical marketing guru. Anyone can do it!

My success proves it, and I want to share it with you

Thats what this blog is about. Take a look around. Read up on some of the products I endorse. Each of them suits a different kind of person and perspective. If you want to just work for someone else online, check out Legit Online Jobs (my review here). If you want to be an Internet mogul and build an online presence, check out Google Sniper (my review here). If you want passive income, check out Auto Binary Signals (my review here).

I find the pessimists and negative people never go anywhere. Sure, they think everything is a scam and they probably *do* avoid getting caught up in scams, but they never try at anything else. They just quit. Or they dont even bother. Well, good luck with that!

I believe in having a positive, "can do" attitude. 

I believe in realizing that there are some good products out there that can help. I believe not everyone on the Internet is a scam artist. I believe there are good people providing good services of value out there. 

I dont just believe this, I know this.

Ill give you an example 

I belong to a number of mailing lists related to online marketing. These people hype up all sorts of products. Theyre great salespeople. They use all the standard marketing language, like, "DONT MISS THIS!", "MAKE $820 IN ONE DAY!"

Yes, thats how the subject lines of some of those emails read.

But guess what? In the past few months, Ive bought some of the products being hawked on the marketing email lists I belong to. And they were good, worthwhile purchases!

I bought a product on how to sell Kindle books in more places than just Amazon. It was only $7. It was very helpful. Did it use all the "hype" language to sell it to me? Sure. So what? On some of this stuff, you have to "read between the lines" and realize not all marketers are scammers, some of them are genuine, good people!

I also bought another product recently for $27 that is extremely helpful. Its a wonderful little app Ive added to one of my websites.

But what if I had a negative attitude like most of these people on the sidelines in life? What if I was one of those people who thinks everything is a scam?

I would have never bought those products! I would have just scoffed at them, and I would have missed out.

So Im trying to give you some examples here to show that even though "marketing" language is overused and often looks like a scam, not all of it is. There are thousands of good marketers out there with good products that they just want to sell!

Im here to help you for free

As Ive explained elsewhere on this blog, I do this because Im a Christian and I do it as a hobby. If you would like some one-on-one advice, just email me. I answer all emails personally. Since Ive got my own little piece of the pie, I want to share it with others. It makes me happy to see others overcome the negativity and to succeed.

Check out my latest article, "My SECRETS on How I Make $50,000 A Year Working On The Internet," to give you a preview of how my email consultations can help (oh, by the way, Im not selling anything and everything I do is free).

God bless,

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