Most People I Talk To Dont Want To Make Money Online!

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You would expect that most people would be excited about the idea of making money online and freeing themselves of their 9-5 job...

 You would expect in this economy most people would love to have an extra source of passive income...

You would expect that most people must realize the Internet is a trillion-dollar-a-year market full of opportunities...

You would expect that most people must know that there are tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people working from home because they make money online... 

You would expect that most people would love to join those Internet entrepreneurs and free themselves of the grind and system, and join them in personal financial freedom...

Thats what most people want, right?



Most people dont want financial freedom, or to work from home or to acquire a passive income.


Because most people either give up, dont even try in the first place, or they are convinced all online money-making ventures are somehow "scams".

They are so full of negativity and pessimism they actually think that no one really makes money online. They dont even believe its possible.

Deep down, they realize there are hundreds of thousands of people living the good life working from home. They know thats the truth. But they want to ignore it.

They tell themselves lies, "Oh, its not really possible, and I dont know how to make websites or do all that. Only lucky people get to work from home and make money on the Internet."

Or theyre just full of negativity and even spite. Ive received hate-filled emails from people claiming all of it is a "scam", and that there is "no way" that anyone can make money online, and that "only marketing gurus", "hackers" or "coding and computer nerds" figure it out.

What a sad way to look at the world!

Whats more, its completely and utterly false.

There are countless examples of normal, regular people, just like you, who have quit their jobs because they found success online, whether it be through Ebay, Amazon, creating a popular blog, selling jewelry online, or creating a popular "niche" web site. The examples are endless!

All those people? They arent hackers. They arent nerds. They arent computer gurus. They arent even marketing gurus.

Theyre just people who tried!

They tried!

They put a little effort into it!

My god. It amazes me how little effort most people put into researching how to work from home!

They give up after a few searches on Google! They just throw the towel in! They think everything is a scam!

Its just the saddest thing Ive ever encountered!

I want to share my success with people, but Im finding that Im hitting a wall. Im finding people dont want to know the truth. They dont want to make money online. They dont even want to hear about my own success.

I work from home!

Im at home, doing what I like, working on my projects, and I dont have a boss breathing over me or any deadlines or any pressure! I can go do anything I want at any time! I make my own schedule!

That is my life!

Do you think it just happened by accident?

If you want to know more, just email me. Ill respond personally. Well talk. Ill give you some tips. Ill get to know you and your skill level and give you an idea of where I think you could find success.

Thats all I can do. If I can help one person, thats all that matters. I wish I could help more, but Im seeing that isnt likely. Ive found most people dont really want success or to change. Its very sad.

God bless,

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