BINARY OPTIONS SECRETS How to trade successfully build a Portfolio of Systems

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We all know people are making money online.

Tens... no, hundreds of thousands of people are making a living online.

We all want that life. 

We want a break from the 9-5 grind, our low paying jobs, our credit card bills, our financial burdens. We want to help our families, our children and save for our futures. 

We want to know the "secret" to how its working for so many other people, but not for us.

We also know one way to get rich online is trading binary options. Weve seen the testimonials, the bank accounts, the people whose lives have been changed.

But how did they do it so easily?

Well, there are a few *secrets* the gurus are using that the public doesnt know about.

First of all, the biggest mistakes newbies make are the following things:

They sign up with just one system.

They only deposit the minimum.

They have a bad week, lose a few trades, and give up.

Then they get taken in by a scam, because theyre desperate at that point.

They dont listen to trusted sources in the industry.

Instead, they get misled by scam sites like,  "".

They also go visit cheesy "reviews" they see when they search Google. These reviews are just advertisment sites set up by people (or more often automated posting bots) who havent even used the system!

But thats not the end of it.

They get frustrated, and they get taken in by a scam broker that Ive exposed, like OptionBit or EUOptions.

They keep depositing money, over and over, into the same scam broker who keeps pressuring them.

Big, big mistake! 

But dont feel bad. 

Ive been there

I got taken in, too, when I started out in 2013. Yes, a scam broker convinced me to deposit about $2,000 with them, and I lost it all.

I lost it all.

But I learned my lesson, and since then Ive learned how to avoid the scam brokers, and stick to the good ones.

Now that weve covered the mistakes newbies make, lets look at the secrets the gurus use:

Do you want to know the number one thing all successful binary option traders are doing?

Theyre building a portfolio of trading bots -- like the ones listed on my Master List -- and hedging risk by diversifying.

All of them.

But they dont really talk about it. Its not something they "sell", nor is it offered as a product.

Its a methodology.

And its something Im doing myself and its working, big-time.

I spent most of my life as a private investigator, and contrary to popular belief, its not a glamorous, exciting or high-paying lifestyle.

Its often boring, tedious and sometimes dangerous. It was a "grind" for years, and I always worried about my financial future and struggled with debt. So, finding binary options and making money online has been a huge "God send" and relief, especially as I reach retirement age.

While I had some success with binary options, it wasnt until I learned how to create a portfolio of trading bots earlier this year that things really took off for me. 

I was given very special information from a trusted person on how to do this (its someone Ive never talked about, but I may do so in the future, so people know the full story. This person is an expert trader and has made millions. I was lucky enough to know him on a personal level through a friend, and I credit him, in part, for my success).

But building a portfolio takes commitment! 

It takes using the best bots, keeping track of them (create a spreadsheet or use a notepad to track everything) and keeping up on the latest, best new trading bots.

Thats why the top traders develop their own software to do this automatically for them. Ive done that with my Super Signals 4.0 software (its not for sale or available to the public, but I speak of it frequently in my newsletters and videos. Mentor members who have been following me a long time know all about my software. We have plans to make it public soon through my new brokerage, 

And recently, there have been a few new binary additions that are using a similar method that Im using, like 100% Profit Bot,which use multiple brokers for maximum efficiency.

This system is a response to the industrys "scam" products, and they are fighting to give the little guy a real chance. 100% Profit Bot is my #1 recommended bot, due to the active community that supports it and continued positive, real testimonials I receive about it. 

The key is to not give up

We know binary options work. We know you can make good money with it. We know if we can get top-level signals, well make a huge amount of money, because our trades will be highly accurate and will seldom lose.

The key is learning what the gurus know to be true: you have to build a portfolio. You cant just use one trading platform, one broker, one signals system, and expect to make millions.

The importance of having a portfolio of systems

You have to start building a portfolio of systems, and you can start with using my approved, vetted systems on My Top 5 Binary Options Master List. These are the same systems I use myself. Not all of them are perfect, so I do my best to show which ones are the best.

Once you have a portfolio of systems, you can then manually begin combining the signals (I will be showing people how to do this in upcoming videos and tutorials).

You can also hedge your losses! By having 20 or 30 trading bots, the losing bots are covered by the winning bots.

Having just one or two systems leaves you at risk of being stuck with a couple of losing bots that go nowhere, while you miss out on the winning bots! Some winning bots are so effective theyve made people tens of thousands in just weeks. You would not believe the positive testimonials Ive received! Some people have made up to $100,000 in one month!

Just remember: dont give up. And continue to read my site and gain the knowledge you need to avoid the scams and bad brokers. Or, write me at my email if you need help. Im retired, so I have plenty of time to help people.

God bless,

Roy @

p.s. I recommend watching the below video, too, and reading my site disclaimer for more information on my Portfolio of Systems strategy:

If you follow Roys "Portfolio of Systems Strategy", no promise is made that you will make money. In fact, you may lose money. Roys strategy is simply his opinion, and is not based on any kind of "expert" financial advice or "expert" understanding of binary options. Roy makes zero promise that you will make any money using his strategy. It is simply his recommendation to hedge risk. By having more systems than just one, by definition you will hedge risk. If a few trading systems lose, presumably (theoretically) a few will result in some profits, thus balancing out your portfolio. This is simply theoretical conjecture, not fact, not expert advice, not based on real-world tests. This is the extent of Roys "strategy" and no promises or guarantees are made. Any misapprehension of this or confusion of this is the sole responsibility of the reader. If you decide to follow Roys advice, you absolve Roy completely of any responsibility for your financial decisions. This site is entirely for "entertainment purposes" only and no financial advice is dispensed.

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