Robert Allans CASH CODE System SCAM A total farce fleecing thousands of their money!

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CASH CODE SCAM - Robert Allans fake system REVIEW:

Watch out for this one! The Cash Code scam is sweeping the world, fleecing millions of unsuspecting people of their hard-earned cash. Learn more in my review below. 

Robert Allans system is not even real, and is being used to funnel people to scam brokers. The claims made in the video are outrageous, and they are lies. The photos of the huge bank accounts they show are also totally fake, in my view. 

cash code scam

"Cash Code" is a really dangerous scam, and it appears seemingly reputable website NewsMax is supporting it! See the email below. Were they hacked? Is this a real NewsMax email? It appears so, but its possible its also a scammer or hacker impersonating NewsMax:

cash code review

Nothing about Cash Code video appears to be real. Nothing about the system appears to be legitimate at all. Cash Code makes a lot of crazy claims, but its not backed by anything real. 

Please, please be careful! I HOPE my review of Cash Code will keep you from using it and will save you your money. I am so tired of these "you will make millions in a day" nonsense scams that I am going on an all-out attack to destroy each and every one of them, and let people know to avoid them! Dr. Robert Allan is just part of the problem! Ive added an update to my Master List, too, listing the top new scams -- youll see it if you scroll down a bit.

My goodness, if you want something REAL try Home Profits Group -- where we are posting LIVE, real shots of our accounts on my YouTube channel -- or ITC, where you can copy the trades of pro traders. Dont fall for these cheesy scams! Use something that works. My Master List is a good place to start.

God Bless, 


Some other updates below from my newsletter:

I wanted to get a quick update out to everyone:

First, Ive gotten a lot of emails and I want everyone to know I will be answering them as best I can later today.

I wanted to give some clarification on how ITC works: first, I dont have much control over their proprietary software. I am linked up through my trading accounts. ITC uses 50+ brokers. Their list of brokers is very large. So, there have been some issues, namely with Option Mint and Ivory Option. I have been told and assured by ITCs staff that they are pushing both of these brokers to properly implement the trades copied from the Master Trader accounts.

Beyond that, I have been getting some very positive testimonials and news from people hooked up to good brokers who are allowing all the Master Trader trades to be copied perfectly. That was our hope, that this could really help people!

Also, as time moves along, the attacks against me are going to increase. I have been told by a close source - a friend in the industry that I trust - that notorious scammers are going to "unleash Hell upon you, Roy, because theyve been given a large sum of money by certain brokers to attack you on all fronts using all methods possible. They may try to shut down your site, and will definitely attack your Master account at ITC."

I need your prayers and help now more than ever.

In hard times, I turn to scripture...
"Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world." 
 -  1 Peter 5:8-9

21 Days To Riches WARNING: Be careful with this new system, I need to do some more investigation on it. The video is very vague and looks fishy. Automotive Profits and a few others also look terrible. Im seeing all kinds of bad products everywhere, so be careful!!!

UPDATE: 100 Percent Profit Bot still doing great.

I know some people have had trouble with this trader for various reasons (usually the brokers),but without any doubt this is one of the best auto traders out there. The success stories are numerous and real. It has a real community of traders behind it.

Heres a new testimonial I just got, with some astounding profits:

"I have been using 100% Profit Bot – Fantastic! 
26K to 135k in 2 months. Lost about 20k toward the end of June.  It hurt but I kept the faith and the Bot and I have regained 9k this week." - Mark (email me to ask for Marks email and usually hes ok with sharing it if you want to ask him questions)

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