A WARNING FOR NEWBIES Sobering lessons in buyer awareness

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A deeper look at why developing an online income requires patience and time

I have noticed a recent and troubling trend. While I receive a number of emails noting very positive feedback from people who have bought some of the products I recommend on this blog, there have also been a few disgruntled buyers whove written me.

These are people who bought excellent products like Google Sniper or Auto Binary Signals, and either returned the product fairly quickly and asked for a refund, or in the case of ABS, they lost money and they were very upset by the experience.

I was very concerned to hear some of this. As I note in my reviews, I do not want people buying these systems if they are not ready or prepared for the investment of time they will need to commit to in order to have success. No, you dont need to work at it like a full time job, but you do need to set aside some time to learn how the products work.

How key misunderstandings led to disappointing results

My goal was to communicate with some of the people who had written me and learn why they had returned the product or why they were so upset. I wanted to know what happened. 

In the course of learning more about their stories, I came to realize a couple of key factors were involved in why they had poor experiences: 

  • They appeared to not know how the product actually worked or what it was for. I had one person who had bought Google Sniper who seemed to have a complete misapprehension of how it worked. They thought Google Sniper would literally build websites for them that would instantly generate money and income for them. Thats not how it works!

  • They were hasty and greedy. Another person had bought Auto Binary Signals, and they immediately made four trades on the first day they bought it. Three of those trades lost money. I asked this person if they had used stop losses, to avoid losing everything, and they had not. They simply walked away and checked it the next day and had lost everything. Without stop losses set and in place, its very easy to lose everything on a bad trade. I always use stop losses to limit my losses.

  • They were not prepared. Another person had bought Auto Binary Signals, but only had $50 to use to deposit into a brokerage account. Most brokers require a $200 minimum deposit. This person was very upset and had asked for a refund. I tried to let this person know that $50 will get you nowhere trading options. You need to have some cash set aside for trading. $200 is the absolute minimum. When I started out, I eventually invested a total of $750 in the first two months with Auto Binary Signals. That is on the low end. Most people invest a few thousand to start out, but not everyone has that option.

My point is this: before anyone ventures into developing a passive or work from home source of income, they need to have a plan in place. They need to know what product they are buying. They need to know what to expect. They need to have patience. They need to focus intently on learning how the product works. And they cant be greedy.

Know your product

Google Sniper is more like a college course than something that is going to build your online empire for you. It gives you the tools so you can do it. Without Google Sniper, I would not be where I am today. Auto Binary Signals is a supplementary platform to increase (by a good measure) the probability of making solid, sound options or Forex trades. These products are not magic. They are not going to make you rich tomorrow. And you may experience some failures, too. I sure did, but I didnt give up. I never, ever gave up.

I dont want people making purchases if they are not prepared. Its simply a waste of time. While all of these products have excellent money-back guarantees, and there is no real risk of losing your money on that end, it tends to create a bad taste in a persons mouth when they buy something and it doesnt work out like they expected. And when that happens, they tend to give up and sometimes they get angry.

Never, ever give up

I dont want to see anyone give up. Everyone deserves a chance at financial freedom and making an income online. Anyone can do it. I am convinced of that. But its not as simple as buying something you dont understand and assuming false expectations will make you rich. It does require paying attention and having patience.

God bless,

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