Binary Pro App REVIEW BIG SCAM!!! WARNING! Travis Canes binary bot review

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REVIEW: New binary option bot: Binary PRO App.


I really, really liked Binary Pro App.

Thats before I began using it, and other people I know began using it.

This system is a big scam and Im warning people DO NOT USE IT!

What is ironic about it is that the trading software is decent, the trading "bot" algorithm actually works OK. But the customer service is horrific and they are using many known "scam" brokers.

Also at issue is that many people are making deposits to get the software, but then they are never receiving it! BinaryProApps customer service is so bad that people are not being sent the trading bot to begin with.

This is really unfortunate, since the trading bot does work, but its not worth it to get involved with such a poor system.

Im also asking for those who have made deposits with "BinaryProApp" to let me know how things are going. If youve had trouble with this system, let me know, because I will be updating my review of it and I want all of the information I can get to warn the public.

There are many other excellent systems to use, including My Cash Bot, Tokyo Bot, Oz Robot, BinaryAutoTrades, Daily Binary Profits ver. 7, The Trade Power,Millionaire Money Machine and many others on my Master List. I like all of them and Im getting good reports about them.

People also still like Insured Profits, 500k Project and 2014 Millionaire.

Truthfully, most of the issues relating to these systems have to do with the lousy brokers they are sometimes connected to. Please dont worry too much about this, because you can connect all of these systems to my software and use *any broker you like*. You can find one you trust and begin making money with them, like the one I use,CTOption.

Remember, the safest and best software available is my Super Signals Software, which Ive spent $25,000 of my own money developing.

God bless,

Roy @



Theres a new scammer on the block I want to warn everyone about. Theres a website called "". They are offering "fund recovery" services. They claim they will recover funds from brokers that have stolen money from you. They go by the names of "Fred Diva" and "James Garcia". They ask for $2,500 up front from you to begin their "investigation" and recover the funds.

This is a huge scam and nothing about it is legitimate. Please avoid!

Some tips: never, ever deposit more than $250 to $500 with any broker! Ever. Not until youve established a relationship with them and theyve proven to send you withdrawals and bank wires, or unless they are a broker I use and approve of. The broker I use,CTOption, has always sent me my withdrawal requests, so Im happy with them. But I always test brokers out with small deposits.

I hear every week from people who just hand over $5,000 or $10,000 to brokers who call them up and pressure them into depositing more money. This is heartbreaking and sad! Please, please use more caution. Not all brokers are bad, of course, but a few are and you have to be careful. 


Well, its finally here! I had previously asked in past newsletters for people to write me at a special email and tell me their stories. I wanted to give this money to people who need it the most and who really deserve a boost.

I received about fifteen replies. Everyone wrote with great honesty and courage, and everyone is deserving. But ultimately I had to just choose four people, and they are as follows, with a short bio and quote so you can get to know them (each gave permission to feature them in my newsletter and website):

Abdiel Ramirez received $250.00 via PayPal

I was moved by Abdiels love for his family, his struggles at the restaurant he works at for his uncle (which is not doing very well) and his dedication to my Super Signals system and desire to learn.


Christine Britton received $250.00 via PayPal  

Ms. Britton wrote me with great honesty, describing her years as a teacher and probation officer and many financial struggles to get ahead. I felt she needed a boost. 

"Thank you so much. Your gift will be used to access another system as I am very focused on making the right moves to bring around the massive changes necessary to my life." - Christine

Wayne Sedcole received $250.00 via PayPal

Wayne described to me in detail his life struggles, particularly with trying to make money online. I was impressed by his dedication to his family and to never giving up, despite many setbacks.

"Ohhhhhh my gosh Roy!! That is absolutely fantastic....thank you so much! I couldnt & still cant believe what I was reading and have been thinking what I will do with the funds and I will most probably invest it in another signal provider so I can get a little closer to the goal of 25+ to get access to your Super Signals software." - Wayne

???? received $250 via PayPal

The last person I contacted has not contacted me yet. Ill give them a week or two to get back to me, and if I dont hear from them, Ill award the last $250 to someone else who wrote me at the special email I provided.

As I said, everyone was deserving, but I could only choose four people. For those who wrote me, I have not forgotten you. Pay attention to my newsletters in the future, because I will remember you for any future giveaways.

Next months November 15th giveaway...

I was thinking of giving away an all-inclusive vacation package with airfare, but I havent decided yet. Ideas? Send me an email at

God bless,

Roy @

p.s. was offline last night due to whats called a "DDOS attack".These are conducted by hackers trying to shut down and destroy websites. A big thank you to the people who alerted me to the fact the site was down, because I was able to contact my site admin and get it up and running pretty quickly.

As Ive said before, people in the "industry" are very upset about my free Super Signals software and how profitable it is. They like things the way they are, with people making deposits and just using one system at a time. People lose more by doing this, because the signals accuracy is just "hit and miss" more or less. You have to combine all the signals like my software does to really make big money, and they really dont want people to know that. 

p.p.s Ive gotten a couple of new, positive reports about Tokyo Bot. I always liked their trading bot, so you might want to look into it. 

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