THE KRAKEN REVIEW Josh Bacons Secret Software Robots new trading bot Is it the real deal

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the kraken review


The Kraken, from Josh Bacons Secret Software Robots, is a brand new trading bot available for the public for free for a limited time. Josh is giving away his software to only five beta testers (though hes making exceptions for more), so its good to sign up now.

the kraken reviewI was already given access to his software personally last week, since I already know him, so I havent taken up a spot myself. He asked me to test it and see if I could equal his current trading success. Hes been making about $14 per MINUTE with his software, but this is primarily possible because he trades in such large amounts, from $1,000 to $2,000 per trade (special arrangements with a broker are required to do this). Obviously, not everyone can trade in such large sizes! However, even small trades will produce the same profit ratio.

My Official Results with The Kraken So Far:

the kraken reviewFirst, I signed up with the broker OneTwoTrade. Since I already have an account with them, I called them and we were able to arrange it. I got access to the software and made a deposit of $500. 

Heres my results so far (keep in mind trading in the last weeks of December are notoriously volatile and weak on volume. Its not a time to usually make money in any form of trading, so my results should improve in January): 

Days trading so far (as of this writing): 6 days

Number of trades placed: 39

Trades won: 24

Trades lost: 10

Trades tied: 2

Trades that failed to execute: 3

Total net profit so far: $922

Grade: A-

Im really impressed so far with "The Kraken", but worried about the amount of lost trades. I did not average $14 per minute as Josh is doing, of course! Im a bit reluctant to trade with such large trades, though I do have that option with my CTOption account, the broker Im using with The Kraken is OneTwoTrade and I have not made arrangements with them yet to increase my size of trades. 

Thats ok, though. Late December is a bad time to trade, too. To make $922 is pretty amazing, anyway, so Im pleased. This is clearly a really impressive trading bot, and Josh has taken a lot of time improving it and fine-tuning it. Im also impressed with his sales pages, honesty and lack of "gimmicks" so common with these trading bots. Hes just presenting his bot as it is, without all of the "bull". Pretty rare these days to see something like that in the binary options industry. 

You can sign up for the five beta tester spots for The Kraken HERE. Its the same link I used, so it should be safe. 


God bless,

Roy @

the kraken review

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