BINARY MILLIONAIRE REVIEW Read Roys official review of this SCAM binary robot!!!

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Binary Millionaire


This is a new, professional binary options trading bot that is currently being offered for free to the first 30 people who sign up. It looks promising, but upon further investigation, THIS IS A SCAM!!! 

I managed to get in early and Ive been using the bot for about two weeks now. I was impressed at first. You can see from the video this is a very professional and polished company offering this. 

They also have a great customer support team, shown below:

binary millionaire scam


These guys are the real deal, it would SEEM. So many of these binary options trading bots are kind of cheesy and "scammy" looking. This is on a whole other level of polish, and that is apparent the second you download their trading bot and begin trading. But they are not what they seem. 

Heres my trading results after two weeks of using "Binary Millionaire":

  • 9 Winning trades
  • 42 Losing trades!!!!!!
  • 1 Tie

Thats definitely a poor result so far. With that win rate were looking at some significant LOSSES in the future. It looks like this bot is pretty technically advanced and its picking some good spots to make trades, mostly on the USD/EUR and USD/JPY currencies so far, BUT they are entering the expiry times WRONG and doing this on PURPOSE. I believe they are STEALING peoples money!!! 

I hope this review of Binary Millionaire has been helpful. Watch out for this scam -- there are many BETTER binary trading bots on my Master List.

Also, check out my latest newsletter below this review.

God bless,

Roy @


Sunday, Dec. 14th, 2014 - Roys Newsletter
Dear subscribers, friends & family,

Heres my latest video, titled, "Roys Prayer For Those Struggling Financially." 

I get heartbreaking emails everyday from people just trying to get ahead in this tough economy. I hear from retired people who are having to take on jobs just to make ends meet. I hear from college students who have no money and are looking for a financial windfall to help them out of debt. I even heard from someone in Turkey who works 16 hour days, 7 days a week for almost nothing just so he can survive. This video is dedicated to those people:

Things are not going well in the world economy right now. The markets had a very tough week last week, and while oil prices are dropping, that could mean huge job losses in the U.S. oil industry. Theres also "writing on the wall" that the U.S. dollar is finished as the worlds reserve currency. So, now is the time to prepare, and to start making real money so you can keep your family safe in the upcoming economic crisis.

And I believe the Lord has tasked me, with my Super Signals software, to bring to people the truth and some hope for a better financial future. 

I know not everyone is a Christian, and thats fine. I accept people of all faiths and non-faiths alike. I hope no one is offended by this video. I just felt from my heart that I wanted to put this up for people and let them know I care.


I got a lot of positive feedback from people who would like to attend my live Super Signals seminar in or near Richmond, Virginia in 2015. This way you can get an opportunity to meet me and we can share our trading strategies together. So Im going to put more focus on getting this worked out going forward. 


MORE Super Signals testimonials from my mentor members, a video commentary on how the economy is getting worse and upcoming possible economic turmoil, a tutorial video about how to trade binary options, more reviews of some of the new systems that have come out, more testimonials and feedback on systems like Binary App 810 & much more.

God bless,

Roy @

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