Dealing with depression in a post modern society

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Depression isnt just about a chemical imbalance

The problem with todays culture is that depression is treated merely as a mental and physical problem. The underlying causes of depression, such as work stress or relationship problems, are ignored in favor of a quick-fix through psychiatric drug treatments. The consequences are that the underlying causes of the depression are ignored. It is not always such that depression is a chemical issue, sometimes it is also an environmental or situational issue.

How people can get past the taboos

Most people with depression keep the issue under wraps and do not talk openly about it. If they do, they are often met with funny looks, scorn or shame. Our society promotes the mentality that you need to project that you are happy all of the time, and that you are successful and content with your life. Many people are anything but happy with their lives. They are experiencing financial hardship, marital or personal problems and work stress.

To get past the taboos, its important to openly and honestly admit to others what you are dealing with and what you are unhappy about. The more honest and direct you are, the less chance other people will have to judge you or make assumptions. Our current culture suppresses our need to be open about negative issues in our lives. If we can fight against that with the courage to be open and brave, we will actually help ourselves in overcoming depression.

Why depression is a mufti-tiered disease and affliction

There are many ways of treating depression, from diet changes, exercise, drugs and cognative behavior therapy. The important thing to remember is that depression is not a single-cause issue. It is often the balance and whole of many factors, including genetics, life circumstances, stress, diet and poor personal habits and choices. If we only define it as a chemical issue, we run the risk of missing out on other factors that will continue to contribute to depression well after drug treatments have been undertaken.

The way forward

We have to understand that depression is not simply a medical-only diagnosis. Many factors extended well beyond the purview of medicine come into play. Many people suffer from poor behaviors that contribute to their depression. Life choices, like poor work habits, and personal choices, like lying or cheating, can contribute to the long-term effects. In other cases, circumstances out of the persons control can contribute, such as an abusive spouse or poor work environment. We must take great care in evaluating all of these issues and giving them a fair look before we make any judgement

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