THE KRAKEN REVIEW Josh Bacons Secret Software Robots new trading bot Is it the real deal

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the kraken review


The Kraken, from Josh Bacons Secret Software Robots, is a brand new trading bot available for the public for free for a limited time. Josh is giving away his software to only five beta testers (though hes making exceptions for more), so its good to sign up now.

the kraken reviewI was already given access to his software personally last week, since I already know him, so I havent taken up a spot myself. He asked me to test it and see if I could equal his current trading success. Hes been making about $14 per MINUTE with his software, but this is primarily possible because he trades in such large amounts, from $1,000 to $2,000 per trade (special arrangements with a broker are required to do this). Obviously, not everyone can trade in such large sizes! However, even small trades will produce the same profit ratio.

My Official Results with The Kraken So Far:

the kraken reviewFirst, I signed up with the broker OneTwoTrade. Since I already have an account with them, I called them and we were able to arrange it. I got access to the software and made a deposit of $500. 

Heres my results so far (keep in mind trading in the last weeks of December are notoriously volatile and weak on volume. Its not a time to usually make money in any form of trading, so my results should improve in January): 

Days trading so far (as of this writing): 6 days

Number of trades placed: 39

Trades won: 24

Trades lost: 10

Trades tied: 2

Trades that failed to execute: 3

Total net profit so far: $922

Grade: A-

Im really impressed so far with "The Kraken", but worried about the amount of lost trades. I did not average $14 per minute as Josh is doing, of course! Im a bit reluctant to trade with such large trades, though I do have that option with my CTOption account, the broker Im using with The Kraken is OneTwoTrade and I have not made arrangements with them yet to increase my size of trades. 

Thats ok, though. Late December is a bad time to trade, too. To make $922 is pretty amazing, anyway, so Im pleased. This is clearly a really impressive trading bot, and Josh has taken a lot of time improving it and fine-tuning it. Im also impressed with his sales pages, honesty and lack of "gimmicks" so common with these trading bots. Hes just presenting his bot as it is, without all of the "bull". Pretty rare these days to see something like that in the binary options industry. 

You can sign up for the five beta tester spots for The Kraken HERE. Its the same link I used, so it should be safe. 


God bless,

Roy @

the kraken review

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REVIEW Artificial Intelligence App AI APP

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Dr. John Clarks Artificial Intelligence App or AI APP - This incredible new system is only open to 100 sign ups. Im very impressed and excited about this platform so far. Must-watch video. See my review below:

artificial intelligence app review

June 14th (Updated!), 2015 - **EXTREMELY IMPORTANT UPDATE**:

Dear Newsletter Members, Friends & Family,

This is one of my more urgent updates, so I hope everyone reads all of it (I may re-send it again later this week, as so few people seem to get my newsletters sent to their inbox):


Its pretty rare I see a trading robot like this. I think everyone should sign up and check out the video interview with Dr. John Clark, its very educational and informative. Theres only 100 sign ups, so I dont want anyone missing out. This bot has not been fully released to the public yet, but Artificial Intelligence App has been made available to me and a few, select mailing lists, as far as I know. Click here to sign up. We will be integrating it with my software. You will want to have "Artificial Intelligence App" in your portfolio.

artificial intelligence app review

60 Second Millionaire was just released today - Monday - so heres the link to check it out. Ill have a review up soon. The presentation so far looks polished.

Note: Binary Bank Breaker will also be integrated with my software. (Pecunia Pact is on "stand by" and may not be integrated due to some issues weve seen with it. Do not sign up with Pecunia Pact! I regret providing the link in my previous newsletter, because were seeing serious problems with it.)

PROFESSIONAL ROBOT by George S. is setting records for positive testimonials:

Ive never had a trading bot produce this many positive testimonials. Ive had people writing me all week reporting their success, and while its early, this bot is clearly doing very well for people. Heres a real testimonial and screen shot I received from Sonita K:
"I just wanted to report to you about the Binary Robot by Professor George S. That I have been using it for about a little over a week now and my over all view of this bot is that its been working VERY well ... At the beginning it was very slow! It took about 2 days before I got my first signal put into work, however this really does work and the performance is quite impressive!" - Sonita K. (if you would like to talk to her, email me and Ill forward you to her)


Click here to go to my MASTER LIST and sign up for Professional Robot by George S.

NEW TRADING BOTS THIS WEEK: Each of these I’m now investigating, but I feel reasonably confident they present promising new opportunities at this point: Verified Fortune, Gold Program(TM), Guaranteed Outcome & Anonymous Trader. In fact, Guaranteed Outcome looks to be the best of them.


I know the binary options world can get overwhelming, so I want to break things down for everyone so were all on the same page & present some news and updates for everyone -- its so important to read all of this:

- I created my software so I could get stronger, better signals: my software - Super Signals System ver. 2.41 -- uses advanced algorithms and market data processing capabilities (in combo with my trade signals from all of the trading bots I connect to it), including Bollinger Bands, parabolic SAR, Stochastic with 8-3-3 datas, RSI with 8 periods, MCAD with 8/13 periods and Keltner Channel analytics. It is the most advanced trading software available today, in my opinion.

- Get ready for version 2.55!
For my new Super Signals software version 2.55, I cant wait to tell people about it

- Thank you for your support about Shiva Krishnan and his threats.
Im sure he feels regret right now, but as I said, once you threaten me, our relationship is permanently over. My understanding is that he plans to continue to publicly attack me. Its sad to me to see a person go down a path of destruction as he has, allowing anger and greed to fill up within him. Thank you for all of your words of support, though. It shows me there are still many mentors who I trust.

- Thank you also for your support for my brother, Greg, and his cancer battle. Hes doing better, and Ive forwarded to him many of your cures, remedies and health suggestions. Hes very appreciative! I cant wait for him to get back on his feet, because were "trading buddies" and hes been using my software for quite a while himself and doing great.

 - Do not waste time with bad products or phony review sites: Its so heart breaking hearing from people who waste time with garbage like John Andersons "webinars" and worthless systems like Money Pattern Pro. Or people who listen to the nonsense on Ive exposed them and other phony review sites in my article here. Most of these fake "review" sites just trash all other products so they can promote their own garbage for sale. They just want to make money by trashing their competitors, and getting you to buy their worthless product! Remember, if youre concerned about a product, just email me and ask about it first.

 - Im trying to help people. I want people to know I do this because I know how much people are struggling. I know the financial pain so many of you have been through. Ive been there. I had a very hard time during the 2008 financial crisis and nearly lost my home. I will never forget that. I know there are bad brokers, I know there are bad trading bots, but through all of this -- working together -- I think we can find a way forward. Im trying my best to educate people on how to successfully trade binary options, because it can change your life, you can quit your job, pay off your debts and create a passive income -- you just have to follow my lead and educate yourself by reading my site and contacting me and asking questions.

 - Why I integrate so many trading bots with my software: As long as a trading bot achieves a 51% long-term win rate, it will be integrated with my software. As of this writing, my new version 2.55 will have 82+ trading bots integrated with it!

 - Building a portfolio of trading bots using my Master List works: The people who are developing a large portofilo of systems from my Master List are doing well, and reporting to me they are making a moderate but reasonable monthly income. This is exactly what I would expect. More trading bots hedge risk! Read my "Portfolio of Systems" article to learn more.

 - My thoughts on brokers: sometimes they are helpful, sometimes not. Its very dependent on the personal broker who gets assigned to your account. Some are excellent traders and very helpful, and others are not. I work with all of them, and Ive found Brokerage Capital and CTOption are the best and provide really good, responsive customer service.

 - Some trading bots dont trade very much! Ive had a lot of people writing me concerned their trading bot isnt trading enough. Well, every bot is different. For example, Pro Binary Robot tends to trade slower and more carefully, and that is a good thing.

 - Remember, Forex / currency markets are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week -- but most brokerages close on the weekends. Sometimes their customer service departments are not open! This does not mean trading stops, as you can still trade on most accounts. The best time to trade is 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. U.S. Eastern Time (adjust based on your timezone).

 - Its important not to turn off all of your trading bots. Too often, I hear of people who turn them off after a few losses, only to completely miss out on big winning streaks. For example, 100 Percent Profit Bot had a big loss for me in December, but I stuck with it and Ive gained all my losses back and then some. I didnt give up on it. You have to stay in the game to make money. Your account may also get deactivated if you never trade.

 - If a bot is not trading, contact your broker and let them know you want to trade and that its not doing anything. Usually, they will help you, because they want your account to be active.

 - Some of the older trading bots -- even older ones on my Master List -- are simply not working like they used to. There are usually server problems and connection problems, to where my software cant connect to them. Thats why Im adding NEWER and better bots, all of them are listed at the top of my Master List. Each year they are getting better and more advanced.

 - There are still bad trading bots out there, like Auto Money App or Live Profits. They usually use old trading algorithms! They use old code and they are not very good, and get re-packaged over and over. I try to look for these and warn people about them as best I can. I also test them with my diagnostic software and most only have a 25-40% win rate. As always, wait until I test or at least endorse a trading bot before you sign up for one.

 - Always, always check my Master List for the latest updates. READ MY "TIPS" SECTION AT THE BOTTOM!

 - Version 2.55 of my software should be ready no later than early April. 
However, due to the recent threats by Shiva Krishnan (which I discussed in my last update) and other incidents and issues, my lawyers and I have decided to use a more stringent in how we talk about my software publicly.

 - I cant help or fix everything. I get a lot of people writing me who have issues with brokers or trading bots, and a lot of it is beyond my control. I think a lot of times peoples computers are broken or not working right, or they are using anti-virus software that is interfering with their trading bot. Sometimes they are not using the best browser. I personally use Google Chrome. I wish I could help more, but some of these technical problems are beyond anything I can help with. I also cant help with most broker issues, either -- although I DO know the brokers respect me, so if you have a serious problem, sometimes I can put a word out and help by contacting the broker.

- Look for a new $1,000 free cash giveaway announcement soon. The people who read my newsletter will be rewarded. Sometimes I get a few affiliate commissions here and there, so I try to give all that back and some of my own cash. While I dont talk about it, I also send people money through PayPal now and then to help them with bills or financial problems. The reason I say this is because Im alwasy being attacked and its very depressing and disheartening for me to see all of that negativity -- and people say I dont give away any real cash, which is not true at all! 


PayDay App

Binary Bank Breaker

Guaranteed Outcome


Keep me updated at my main email at - even if I dont respond immediately, rest assured I do read every email.

Let me know how you are doing in building your portfolio of systems and in your progress.

God bless,

Roy T.


As I state in all of my newsletters I send out, I do not check *this* email, the one you are reading from right now. This email is called "". Instead, I mainly use "". So, if you replied to this newsletter or any past newsletter, I probably never saw your email. Please only write to Thank you.

Some more tips about CTOption + ABS strategy:

For people with low capital to start, I recommend using CTOption (minimum $400 deposit) with Auto Binary Signals, and updgrading to their 8-week "Pro Training" module. This has been working for people. You can read more on my Master List or below there are links to my previous newsletters with this topic discussed. You can also use the excellent singals from Binary Options Elite Signals, too, or Quantum Binary Signals. Use these signals and trade on them in CTOption, its that simple. NOTE: DO NOT USE Auto Binary Signals "recommended brokers"! See my note on my Master List in the "paid" section where I discuss this in detail! By not listening to me here and paying attention, you really could hurt yourself! Use CTOption as your broker with ABS! It works better than their "recommended brokers"! 



March 11ths newsletter

February 26ths newsletter

February 15ths newsletter

February 9ths newsletter

January 27ths newsletter

January 15ths newsletter

Note: PLEASE do not reply to this email!!! I dont check "" often!!! Please send all emails to instead.



The image below I have posted in one of my articles, but I like it so much I thought I would share it:

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Make money with Twitter

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Make money with TwitterTwitter is a social networking and micro blogging tool that allows its members to send and receive short status updates. The messages or micro blogs are under 140 characters. These short status messages are also called as Tweets.

Twitter is a service that is used by people from all walks of life. US President Barack Obama announced his vice presidential nominee via twitter.

Twitter and Internet Marketing

Twiitter is increasingly used by webmasters and internet marketers to promote their websites and affiliate products. Every website including this website does have a Tweet button now a days.

How to make money with Twitter

There are many advertising programs available for tweeters these days. We come across a program called Sponsored and we are impressed with what it offers for us. It connects the advertisers and tweeters. It is one program that helps you to monetize your twitter service to the maximum.

First step You are required to do is to login with your Twitter Account. Once logged in you will be asked to set your account. You can set your pricing and per click rate. Do not set your price too high or too low. As a Beginner I would advise you to go along with the recommended price of sponsored tweets. You can also set to receive your advertising via email to review. The minimum qualification seems to be you are required to have an account which is older than 120 days and above 200 followers.

You can also make money by referring people to the program. You can promote your referral button via twitter and other mediums to make more money.
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The Jet Set Club is a SCAM! Check out my review of The Jet Set Club

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the jet set club review

The Jet Set Club is a SCAM!

Ive decided to give "The Jet Set Club" an "F" rating for the following reasons:

  • Poor customer service.
  • People arent being given the signals software when they make a deposit.
  • The Jet Set Club is using "scam" brokers like CiTrades and CVCOptions.
  • The signals performance is poor.
  • Peoples money is being stolen by these scammers.

I thought The Jet Set Club was a decent binary options trading bot when it first came online, but after about a month after its release, its clear this is an awful system and the creators behind it are thieves.

There are far better systems out there, like Daily Binary Profits ver. 7, and many others on my Top 40 List.

If you made a deposit with The Jet Set Club, I recommend asking for a withdrawal immediately and trying to get your money back. 

More Updates...

Its been a really busy week, but I wanted to get this update out to everyone. Right now Im working on some new videos, so make sure youre subscribed to my YouTube channel so you dont miss out (click here for my YouTube channel).NEW TESTIMONIALS! ECT Bot, Millionaire Money Machine & Crisis Killer are working and making people money:

The top three systems on My Top 40 Binary Options Systems Master List continue to deliver some pretty amazing results. I thought Id share a few emails Ive gotten from people whove used them. They gave me permission to post their quotes:

ECT Binary Bot:

"wow amazing roy -- 12 winning trades and only 4 losing trades for a profit of $247 this week!!! its really working wow thank you." - 
Najal S., India 
"Ok Roy, ive been trying so hard to find a binary bot that worked and i think i finally found it, you were right about ect bot -- I have to give you an update on ECT BOT! I cant believe its really working but I just made $558 this week from 14 winning trades its AMAZING!" - Sadie S., Hot Springs, Arkansas, USACrisis Killer: 

"so last week i only made $28 but this week ive had four winning trades in a row and now Im up $135 in my account. Im also using BigOption and theyve been really helpful and i even got a withdrawal from them last week for $200, that was really encouraging. thanks again for recommmending crisis killer." - Paul. H., Boise, Idaho, USA

Ive also had a few people write and say Millionaire Money Machine is working out well for them. 

I also think there are still some great systems worth trying out on My Top 40 Binary Options Systems Master List, including Daily Binary Profits ver. 7, The Trade Power andFast Income App.
Its good to see some success stories! Not all of the trading bots are legitimate, so you have to be careful. For instance, Binary Pro App and My Cash Bot are both huge scams, which I exposed in my reviews of them. There are also some really bad brokers out there, like CiTrades and CVCOptions, so watch out for them.
SPECIAL INVITATION to Newsletter Subscribers:

NEW Internet business opportunity system out - "Income Black Box"

I have been given exclusive early access to a brand NEW Internet home income buisness opportunity offered for a limited time exclusively through this newsletter and only a few others. The people working on this project approached me and asked me to exclusively try out their product and so far Im really impressed.

I loved the video and some of the materials they sent me. Ill have a review up soon after Im done testing it, but I wanted to get this out now. This might be a great opportunity for people looking for a low-cost, cheap alternative to binary options. Click here to check out the video, its really exciting, I enjoyed it.

Cash giveaway update
I also wanted to give an update on my November cash giveaway. Im going to probably do what I did last month and give four people $250 via PayPal. Just write if you are in need. I only want people who really need the money to write and tell me their stories. I want this money to go to people whoneed it the most. 

Also, if you need a few dollars, just write me at my main email and Ill try to help. Its easy enough for me to send funds through PayPal, so I dont mind helping people out now and then.

Im making so much money with my Super Signals software I dont mind helping out. Ive made over $100,000 dollars this month alone using it.

God bless,

Roy @
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Million Dollar Duplicator Review

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million dollar duplicator

Learn about Million Dollar Duplicator below & see our LIVE tests (UPDATE 10/12/15 below):

Million Dollar Duplicator is a new binary options trading robot. The video on the official Million Dollar Duplicator website is very compelling and I was immediately impressed.

I decided to test Million Dollar Duplicator. It took me about one week to get it coordinated with my broker and set up properly, but its working now. You can see my account and initial results in the video update below:

Unlike "" and other phony, fake "review" sites, I actually test these products and post my real results. To learn more about the many fake scam "review" sites out there, please read my "How Scammers Work 101" article.

Beyond that, Im looking forward to results with Million Dollar Duplicator. You can see some testimonials Ive posted on my Twitter account, too.

I really hope Million Dollar Duplicator turns out well, but time will tell. I will update this review next week after the results are in.

You can also sign up for MDD for free at this link, or check it out on my Master List.

UPDATE 10/12/2015:

Here is my most recent trades up, doing OK so far with 5 wins and no losses:

million dollar duplicator scam

You can read my previous newsletter updates below:

Dear Newsletter Members, Friends & Family,


You will remember in my last newsletter that I talked about a person who works for a big broker who has come to me with some very interesting insider information (see previous newsletter below for full story). He is using the pseudonym of "Chad Kowenski" (not his real name, to protect his identity).

Chad has been working on his own trading system, using and implementing all of the knowledge he has gained while working for his broker. Its finally ready for beta testing, so hes asked me to release it on a limited basis. You will be truly impressed by this product, because it is unlike anything I have ever seen. It confirms for me everything hes told me so far about the inner workings of the brokersHe told me they mainly focus on helping the big clients with older, long-term accounts make big money, but his software changes that for the little guy. He is somewhat of a "whistle-blower". When you see the video for his software, he goes into a lot more detail.

You will have to email me and ask for the Private Bot to receive it. Even if you choosenot to sign up, thats ok, because his video is incredibly educational. You will learn so much behind the scenes information on how the brokers really work!

He has asked me to only give it to about 10 people this week, though he said next week he may release it to more people. He said hes releasing it through me, but that a few other people have gotten the link to his product and they are spreading it around already, and hes not happy about it. I really want to protect him, because the brokers will destroy him if they find out who he is.


Ive added FAST CASH to my Master List due to the compelling and must-watch video theyve produced. The makers of the product also asked me to place it on my Master List, after verifying the link was, indeed, their link and not a bad link. Im not endorsing it as I havent used it, but it does look truly amazing. Again, I really wanted to present it for people so they can watch it and see if its something theyre interested in, but I am not endorsing it at this time. I may test it next week, if my schedule and time permits.

Dont forget to visit my Master List for the newest updates.


Its too early to tell how "Million Dollar Duplicator" going to perform, but I have heard some good reports so far. Im still waiting for it to trade, but sometimes delays do occur as brokers connect to the software. That can take a few days. Im looking forward to the results (I did receive some reports of people skeptical of it, but Im going to wait for results to make the final judgment, at least by next week).

That is all for now. I am traveling and using a laptop, so its not easy for me to get a lot of work done. I wanted to get this update out to everyone, though. Im also planning a full update on how each and every bot on my Master List is performing, either through my own tests and experiences or testimonials I receive for bots Im not using.

IMPORTANT WARNING: Dont open emails you dont trust! Stick with my Master List, my newsletters and my personal emails. Were seeing reports all over of hackers sending out viruses and other sneaky tactics to get you to open dangerous emails. Always stick with trusted sources!

NOTE: Update on Fash Cash biz below or see my Twitter.

Its been an extremely busy week for me (more below on that). Lets get started on the latest news:

Im blown away by "Million Dollar Duplicator" - I love the video, I love the testimonials and video evidence SHOWING their accounts working in real time. Ive never seen anything like it. You need to watch the video about half-way through where they show the account.

If this really does what it says, it will change peoples lives. But time is running out, thisis an exclusive link and they arent taking more than about 100 people. Ive been told they will shut down the free beta link after this week. After that, the price goes up to $9.997.00 per software license.

I truly hope and pray this is the "God-send" Ive been looking for and I know many of you have been looking and praying for.



This is something I cant wait to share fully with the public, but heres a basic outline:

I have been contacted by a personal account manager with a very big broker. Hes told me he has some secrets and suggestions on how to get some of these trading bots to work better, and how to work with brokers to get them to let you make big money with them (in a unique way that benefits both you and them).

His suggestions are detailed and very exciting. Hes told me he wants me to tell his story, because he says he trusts me and likes what Im trying to do in the industry.

Ill have more on his story soon, hopefully an article within two weeks. Hes still telling his story, and hes a little nervous for his own safety for putting it out. He says the brokers really dont want people to know about these secrets, and that they usually only share them with exclusive, "big time clients". Some of his insights are really going to help people, and theyve already helped me, as Ive implemented some of his suggestions myself and they do appear to work with virtually all brokers.

Its really wonderful when people like this come forward to help. I do encourage those who have tips, advice and successes to share their experiences. Thats partly why I ask for testimonials, I want people to know whats working and what isnt. Email me at


UPDATE 10:50 A.M. EST: Ive added an update about FastCash biz on my Twitter. Some exciting things happening behind the scenes. Im still recommending that none of the "Fash Cash" links out there be used or followed. Be careful until I have more news.

Cedar Finance appears to be shut down for some people. Ive lost access to my account. Thankfully, I did not have much money in it, but other people do. Im very concerned and Im looking for answers on this.

Ive been travelling quite a bit across Europe, meeting with my lawyers and development team. Were moving forward and will have some big news soon. (Sadly, weve also had a few setbacks, as well.) However, our lawsuit against some of the bad brokers looks like its going to move forward successfully. Ill have much more news in the coming month.

Since Ive been so busy, I am really behind. There are times I dont have Internet access or access to my laptop, so its slowing me down. The best source for up to date information is my Twitter. You should try to check it a few times a week.

People also keep asking about "Gold Digger" - yes, it is excellent still and I highly recommend it. People are doing great with it! Not only have I received good testimonials, positive testimonials have also been posted on other sites on the Internet. Its clearly a "must have" trading software. Read my review here, or sign up here.

And dont forget, PLEASE read my, "30 Days to Online Income". It answers so many questions.

God bless,

Roy T.
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Making money online is a matter of finding an audience who you can either advertise to or receive direct payment from. Either way, you need something interesting or informative with which to catch and hold your readers attention. Your content is everything.

Ill show you how you can make money presenting and distributing content via podcast or a newsletter, and how you can connect directly with your audience as an online tutor.

Getting Paid To Podcast

To create a podcast, you will need a microphone and some recording software. If you have a camera, you can also produce video podcasts.

You can download a free recording program from, where you will also find tutorials on the technical side of podcasting.

When you have the content and are able to produce good quality podcasts, you need listeners. You can find them by submitting your podcast to directories such as, promoting it through a website or blog, or advertising in forums and newsletters.

The bigger your market, the better. Dont be afraid of competitive markets, theyre big for a reason--they pay and people are listening!

You will then be able to make money by finding a sponsor who is willing to pay to reach your listeners. You could find your own advertisers, or join a podcasting network such as

If your content is desirable enough, you can charge for access to it, through services such as iTunes ( If you are selling your podcast, however, it is a good idea to create a free content version too in order to reach new listeners.

How To Get Paid To Publish Online Newsletters

Even if you prefer the written word to audio podcasting, you will still need to take care of some technical details.

The best way to distribute newsletters is through an autoresponder list service. These can be set up to automatically deliver pre-written emails to subscribers at set intervals. Each new subscriber will receive all of the emails in your predetermined sequence. That means you can load up a years worth of content (or more), and itll automatically publish straight to your subscribers email boxes without you touching it again!

A free autoresponder can be downloaded from, while a more professional program can be bought from These programs will also help with managing your subscriber list, so you stay spam compliant.

A successful newsletter will be attractive, easy to read, and compatible with different computers and internet browsers. You can create beautiful PDF documents using a free program such as

Also, you do not have to create all your own content. You can get free stock photos and articles from sites such as and You can also pay for pre-written content from sites like

Email newsletters are perfect for marketing your own products, if you are running an online business. You can also make money by selling space to advertisers or even charging for subscriptions.

By using the tools from services such as, you can grow your online newsletter list to hundreds or even thousands of people.

Get Paid To Teach People All Over the World

If you have knowledge and experience to share then you can do so in a podcast or newsletter, or by writing content for a site such as, who will pay for articles.

Alternatively, you can become an online tutor and communicate directly with students through video chat and email. You could find your own students by advertising your services on, or join a company who will pair you up with suitable learners.

In order to get the best jobs, you may need some relevant qualifications, such as a degree, proven experience in a particular field, or a teaching certificate of some kind.

Websites that recruit online teachers include,, and has a teacher directory where you can describe yourself and potential students can find you.

*********************** is the new, Internet revolution thats helping people like you to start their own dream business, create absolute financial freedom, and escape the rat race for good, faster than they ever thought possible.

Click the link below right now to learn how you can join the new class of "lifestyle entrepreneurs" and make a full-time Internet income, or even generate millions of dollars working online from any coffee shop, anywhere in the world
Read More..

THE BASICS The Top 5 Preparations To Make When Working From Home

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There is a lot of information out there about making money online. 

Someone new to working from home can get a lot of mixed signals from the different perspectives presented on the web. The simplest and most important thing to remember above all else is:


I told you it was simple! The tips below build on this fact:

1. Give Yourself A Little Space.

When working from home its crucial to have boundaries. Some of these boundaries are physical. All successful people that work from home designate either a room with a closeable door or some kind of space specifically for work. 

Never use your workspace for anything but work. This helps to put you in the right mindset.  If you know you have a special space just for working, it will help you get in the correct mindset and get to work!

 Its proven that people work smarter in an organized, well decorated atmosphere.

Remember: Its YOUR house! Decorate your space however you like. Some like to put pictures of their kids on their desks , hang some inspirational posters, order fresh flowers, etc! Whatever makes you the happiest and inspires action!

Shes ready to work!

2. Make Time For Making Money

To quote an old saying "If you dont work, you dont eat." Some work-at-home jobs are simple but, even the simplest task will take time to complete. Scheduling specific times to work will guarantee your success.

Its freeing to be your own boss and set your own hours! This is one of the joys of working from home!

Just Be careful to not let your work cut into your personal life or vice-versa.

Time is of the essence when working from home!


3. Take a Little Break

Youre working from home. Youre generating lots of income and you never ever EVER want to stop!!!!


Working yourself to the bone for 8 hours straight is NOT healthy. Whether youre working at home or at an office job, your body needs time to relax. Set aside a few 15 minute breaks a day and have a little "Me time "

Youll be glad you did!

Take a little time for yourself

4. Dress For Success

I am afraid I have some bad news:

Working from home in your pajamas isnt the best thing to do when you want to be productive (at least not all the time.)

I know. I know. 

Youre imagining yourself in a bathrobe and slippers with a big pot of coffee by your side. 

Get dressed! Its time for work!

Unfortunately if you dress like your going to sleep, youll preform like youre going to sleep! A large part of working-from-home is mentality and psychology. It might seem silly to "Get dressed even if youre not going anywhere" but it works.

I encourage you to try this experiment for yourself: The next few days you have off, wear your pajamas for the duration of one day and wear an outfit the next day. I guarantee that youll feel like doing more the second day!

5. Work through the "I Dont Feeeeeeeel Like It"s

We all have hard/blah/boring/ho-hum days. Working from home relieves a lot of the burdens modern life can put on a person but no line of work is 100% peaches, cream, rainbows and sunshine!

It helps immensely to maintain a positive outlook when working from home. You will have "I just dont feel like doing it" moments and "Maybe since Im my own boss I can let myself off the hook" days. It helps to remind yourself that inaction will NEVER put food on the table. 

Trust me, the tomorrow you desire will not arrive if tasks are always put off until the next day. As your own boss, its your responsibility to keep the business running. Theres time for work and time for play. The more you work through the "Blahhh.. I wanna be lazy" days the easier it becomes!

This guy has the right idea!

I write a lot about different ways to make money online. Click Here to read about the best income opportunities at the moment.

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